September 19, 2010


Hey All...

Topic for the today is "DREAMS.."

When I eat after 8:30pm EST, I have nightmares.. Really weird.. For example, I ate sum chicken parmesan and penne pasta with marinara sauce last night with the boo before we went bowling at like 10pm EST (LOL @ EST), and I had a crazy nightmare..

I said a curse word in a classroom setting and this African man (whom I am assuming was my prof) took his belt off and said he was offended by my lack of vocab and lack of respect shown my choice of speech. I continued my speech and made it a point to put a "disclaimer" on my word choice, citing the rights of American, more specifically, the First Amendment.

Being that I am a smart ass, I said "As an American, I and we have the right to say what I want, when I want, and however the fuck I want to!" The prof hit me with his belt and I gave him an eye jammy, and it was on... On like Donkey Kong.. On like Ray Dong Chong! lol

So, as I proceeded to beat the hell out of this dude, they call campus security. After the fight is broken up, he is unconscious and I am still running off of the rush of adrenaline. Some Deltas (IDK where they came from) in pari, came to his rescue with glasses of water and towels. I then said, "Look at the irony in this situation. His right of privilege as a Black man over me as a Black woman is giving him care and assistance, even though he has no respects for the rights of anybody.. Amazing.."

Then I woke up!!

I have NO idea where this dream came from.. Maybe it means that I am having an external conflict with an entity threatening to take away my personality and being the fighter I am, I can not just sit there, knowing something or somebody is trying to change me, and just let it happen.

Change is progress, whether it is a change for the good or bad. Embrace it, learn more and move on..

IDK.. Leave comments if you have a different opinion... Kanye West Shrug

BTW, hit me up and follow me and my antics on twitter @EquallyFlawed1

....BTW, the next topic will be "Fidelity (or lack thereof) and Social Networks....{YIKES BITCHES!}

1 comment:

  1. Not all nightmares are scary..this one is funny as all get out
