April 29, 2009


Good to the morning y'all!

I haven't been to the hospital in a WHOLE week (YAY!) and I am eating meat again (DOUBLE YAY!).. I know that is random, but ANYONE who has been following the blog will understand those two points *waits while the semi-loyal readers check past blogs to 'catch-up'* (LOL)

Anyhow, I hope everyone is having a blessed week and I am SURE glad it is WEDNESDAY!!!! YIPPEE!!!! Friday afternoon can NOT get here QUICK enough....

So, today my topic is REAL LOVE... And I am not pitting it against anything, just freestyling about this topic because it something important: Some people want it, some have it, some avoid it, some abuse it, some misuse it, some manipulate it.... I could go on and on!.... I do feel like love (when it is REALLY REAL) takes work to maintain and improve. There is always room for improvement. One of my favorite movies is 'Love Jones' and a quote that I LIVE by and offer up to others as a way of enlightenment is said by Isaiah Washington to Larenz Tate at their friends' get-together.. Isaiah Washington looks at Larenz and says: "Everybody all trying to fall in love and shit. Falling in love ain't shit. Somebody talk to me and tell me how to stay there." To me, that quote is the epitome of REAL LOVE: Anything worth having, enjoying and reaping the benefits from is worth working hard for.

REAL LOVE takes REAL TIME to develop, mature and hone. That ish is stronger than infatutation and can either propel people into greatness or be ones' demise. Love is something simple, such as rolling over in the middle of the night while your eyes are still closed, feeling your mate there and smiling. Sometimes that is just enough, if you get my drift. Love can be a high, a sort of addiction, but REAL LOVE, is dealing and coping with the highs and lows, the ups and downs, and knowing when all of that has come to past, then you two will still be there for each other.

***I know I said I was NOT going to pit REAL LOVE against anything else, but the COMPARISON (ooohh, that's a big word boys and girls) was so natural and uncanny for me not to point out.**

REAL LOVE stands the test of time; it can weather anything and become stronger because of it. REAL LOVE is full of compromise, sincerity, thoughtfulness, selflessness and understanding.... In various forms and sometimes, simpler or smaller is SOMETIMES better and more meaningful. LOVE is about action, not just words (spoken or unspoken) or material bullsh*t.. REAL LOVE is all about sacrifice, adventure, sometimes vulnerability and fearlessness.

For the last two years, I have not given out the label 'boyfriend' for various reasons, but during my time off, I did have A LOT of time to reflect on what REAL LOVE is, what exactly is infatuation, was I ready for love, etc... All the things necessary to do BEFORE you plunge into a committed relationship. I won't say what exactly drove me to NOT do these things before, but I can say that I will chalk that up to life experiences: I AM NOT WHO I WAS YESTERDAY, NOR WILL I EVER BE AGAIN!

Today, I challenge all of my faithful readers out there to do this one thing (regardless of your relationship status): Make a DEFINITIVE/SPECIFIC and DETAILED list of what you hope to gain or learn from a relationship rooted the right way. Things are not weighted equally, so you may have to priotitize your list, in order for this activity to REALLY show you something about yourself. DO NOT think about what others want from love or what people may think or your list; do not even think about how to 'trick' your list into forming what u think ur current / ideal mate is all about. NOW: Compare how many of the items your mate (or intended mate) exudes; You mite be surpised to see that what you think is important can ACTUALLY be nonexistent or extremely dominant in your attraction to finding love. This exercise will show you that sometimes what YOU SAY you need is not exactly what your vibe (or nonverball communication) is sending out to people. Sometimes, what you say you need or THINK you need is NOT really for you anyway. Those of you who TRYING to be something that you are not, PLEASE BE AWARE that true colors come out.


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