May 26, 2009

Crossroads: Fear's Bitch

Good Morning everyone!

Today, I would like to wish everyone peace and blessings as we venture into this semi-abbreviated week due to the Memorial Day holiday. On another note, sleep is a state of mind.. Cuz a chica is TIRED!

Well, I had a pretty full Memorial Day weekend. I didnt get any real sleep until Sunday nite after my boyfriend's b'day get together. I had class all weekend, which was sooo not the 'bees-knees'.. But, Saturday nite was so much fun with my b/f and Sunday was cool too. Monday, I went to my AP's bbq at a quaint lil hidden park in downtown Detroit. In addition to starting my new job last Friday, I am working my first week of training at the new job this week while finishing up my last week with the Y (Y=Yippee in this sit-chee-ay-shun lol)

.... Enough of my aimless rambling.... On the 'da blog....

We all come to a point in our life that one may classify as the 'breaking point' or a 'defining moment' that truly shows our strength in a time of adversity. For instance, you may be used to doing one type or classification of work, but you may be presented with the opportunity to do something that are totally not accustomed to. Do you: A- Take this new opportunity by the horns and roll with the punches or B- Let fear dictate your actions.

Girlfriends is my ALL TIME fave TV series.. Anybody that knows me already knew that though.. Anyway, when Maya was in unknown territory (fist time author doing a first time book signing when her independent book was published by a big-time publisher), Lynn tried to ease her nerves by telling her words that a "great author" once wrote. Those words (which I try to live by) were: Don't Let Fear make You Its' Bitch!.. Yea, it is pretty vulgar and you can't say it in church, but a lot of people allow fear to come into their everyday lives, rendering them helpless and allowing them to be "bitch-i-fied"!

Why do people allow fear to make them its' bitch? IDK the real reason, but people need to start realizing that they are WORTH the blessings that are being bestowed upon them. If GOD saw fit for you to bless you with an opportunity, then take it.. Don't pass up a blessing. Always being open, receptive and receiving to whatever comes your way is a start.

Also, one should be able to take things at face value while being open and flexible to change and growth. Don't be stagnant in your growth; don't be a victim of the 'innocent bystander' concept, where you are allowing to life to live you, and not the other way around. Don't allow life to pass you by, how water rolls off of ones' back. Don't just sit there; There is always room for improvement. My old boss used to always say "If you have time to lean, then you have time to clean". You can use this saying for life. Clean up those areas of your lives which are not up to standard, at least in your eyes. Work on things to better yourself and your situation. Patience is key in this stage, please be advised.

****Again, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support. If you like what you read, feel free to tell a friend and share the link.. It doesn't cost anything: PROMISE! lol.. Have a blessed and prosperous week.. Until next time, HOLLLLLAAA!!!!!****

May 21, 2009

Can you be my Wifey??

Good Morning People! Well, I know I haven't double blogged in a minute, but ever since I wrote my last blog, I was looking forward to writing my next blog cuz the topic was very intersting for me to dissect.

Today's topic is the hood term wifey. Today we will define what is a wifey, how one can become (or steer away from being) one, and why that term/role may or may not be for everyone.

First, we should define what is a wifey.. Well, even though I am only 23 (and a female) I feel that I have all of the necessary tools to say what exactly a wifey consists of. A wifey is someone (most often a female, even though I claimed to 'wife' up dudes lol - that's another topic for another day lol) Well, a wifey (IMO) is a female who does all the duties that a wife or serious girlfriend might do, which can include (but are not limited to): Cooking, cleaning, nurturing, etc.. (IMO the man can do these duties as well!!!) The base or origin word of wifey is 'wife' which is a partner or participant in a marriage.

Now, that we have defined what a wifey is, I will now lay out all of the informational background as to why some females aspire to be (or detest the image) of being one. Personally, I do not want to be wifey; It seems as if wifey's or sum BM's do not ever get rings or even a serious philandering-free commitment out of their significant other. And you know my saying now, "You ain't OFFICIALLY on the team, if you aint got a ring!!!!" You do not have any sense of a REAL role unless he approaches you with a REAL commitment ( at least a commitment both of you can OPENLY and HONESTLY be SATISFIED with). Some females DO aspire to be wifey's because they feel that it may be stepping stone to where they want to be. However, settling for less is never an option. One of my sorors/advisors/mentors/Choir Director :-) told me something a long time ago that REALLY stuck with me and I quote it all the time, whenever it applies and Im gon use it now: When you settle for less that what you deserve, you get even less than what you settled for. IDK about you, but that quote was told me to some years ago and it is still a VERY powerful and motivational quote. Some of those females who settle, thinking they are using that position as a stepping stone, may often be in for a rude awakening when reality sets in. Also, some females detest being placed in the position of wifey versus something else. Firsthand, I can say that I am not going to be doing wifely duties unless I am a wife, not a wifey. Some gals choose not to be wifeys because settling isn't high on their list of priorities.. Being satisfied is!

The term/role of wifey is not for everyone. Personally, it isn't for me because I am a grown woman, whom IMO is NEVER a wifey, but somebody's future wife. There IS a difference. Real women don't settle and accept things as the status quo; Girls let water roll off of their back and do NOTHING about to improve the situation at hand.


May 19, 2009

Uh Uh... Rudeness?!?!

Good Morning and a cheerio to all of you out there in e-world!! I want to say 'YAY' to my two new followers.... THANX FOR COMING OVER TO THE 'TRUE BELIEVER' side of blogging.. I just ate these two peanut butter cookies at work and they spoke to my soul.. Now, I feel like a fatty cuz Im STILL looking forward to lunch.. But anyhow, I hope this blog finds everyone in good spirits on this GLORIOUS Tuesday morning..

I started working out yesterday.. Grrr.. Combined with my eating rite, better and more healthy bit, I should be fine.. and sexier by the time July hits.. Get 'em girl! lol

Anyway, my topic for the day is rude people.... Rude people should just slit their wrists and bleed to death silently in a corner somewhere.. No, for real.. Perhaps lol.. But, in my line of work (customer service, more specifically, servicing these corporate big wigs who think that their ish don't reek).. My topic today will be dispelling how I CHOOSE to deal with this specific population and how I turn the tables while still being a reputable employee.

For one, we should define what makes a customer or client rude. Sure, we all should use our common sense to define a rude client or customer. Anyway, a rude client or customer is a person coming in requesting service from an employee at a service-based establishment, who, upon entry of the establishment verbally belittles the employee or berates them when things do not go their way or they are prejudging the employee on one of many personal levels (i.e. education, salary, race, etc...)

Now, that we know what constitutes a rude client or customer, we can now delve into what exactly I CHOOSE to do to combat these "Rude Judes".. For now, we will refer to those people as "Goofy Douches" here on out.. But for short, they will be "GD"s lol... OHHH Jeff is riot at work!

Anyhow, I just want to say when I encounter GDs, I simply smile and make fun of them in my head. For example, when a stupid person comes in and demands info on their acoount, I politely smile and say please hold while I pull up your information. While doing so, I call them names in my head, such as Tight-Ass, Weak Ass, Punk Ass, Bitches of Hell-Damnation lol.. I think you get my drift.. This is such a stress reliever and makes me laugh even more.. So, when you encounter dumb a** people in your line of work, DO NOT stress. Just giggle, and realize that ur more fine than they will ever be and call them all sorts of funny and demeaning names in your head. It helps me.. maybe it can help you! :-)

BY doing this, I am still being a reputable employee because I am filling this service that is being asked of me and I am not flying off the handle at ignorant people plus I am entertaining myself. DOUBLE AND TRIPLE POSITIVES!!!!!!!!!! LOL

ANyhow, that is all for the day.. Tune in next week...


May 11, 2009

Mild Rambling.... ;-)

Good Morning all of you out there in e-world!

I am at work, tired as a dog and I hope ALL of the MOTHERS had a blessed and joyous Mother's Day Holiday!!!!

I saw some things on from various profiles, photo albums, status' and even manipulation of names (and the such) that were very disturbing to me *cues up Rihanna's "Disturbia"* ... *runs to go cut that annying chica off* lol

One of the FIRST things I saw on the ol' "book of face" was the 'weave' thing. Now, there is nothing wrong with 'faking it until you make it' when it comes to ones hair. But, I do feel that there should be a limit put on people with how much weave they can buy and how much they can legally put in their head. Just my opinion, what do you think? For example, I saw a chick's profile picture and I was really wracking my brain trying to remember where I knew her from and then it dawned on me: I went to GVSU with her and had classes with her. It was hard for me to readily recall with all that 'Instant BEYONCE tresses' goings on.. Really now, does it make females feel better to wear so much weave so often that the following occur: 1- Their real hair begins to fall out 2 - Their real hair begins to break off REALLY bad (i.e. feels like steel wool to the touch) 3 - They begin to think that these 'weaves' are their real hair.. I think you get my dirft.. But, maybe it is just me.. What do you think????

One of the SECOND things I saw on the 'FB' was the photo album disaster. Some things are cute to take pictures of and share with friends. Some things you should keep to yourself. You should NEVER post an album of what happens after you have had TOO much Tex-Mex on Cinco de Mayo and come to find out, Tex-Mex and your digestive system doesn't agree.. 'Nuff said! Just NASTY! Two things: NASS and TEE!

One of the THIRD things I noticed on FB was peoples' status'. Like OMG can some people be so childish (yet entertaining!!!!).. For example, I came across this one chick's profile and her status said [I am CHANGING her name to a fictitious one]:

Jayla* feels like you 304z betta step off her man b4 she comez to yo' jiz-ob and slashes yo' cheap azz tires one mo' 'gin.. Man-man is all mine; U 304z tryna break up a happy home but I am NOT havin' it 304!

LMFAO! I know! Pure comedy, ESPECIALLY at 5 in the morning.... But, if you really feel like that, maybe you should tell 'Man-Man' to get his ish together, especially if the '304z' didnt know you were apart of the harem.. err, I mean you were 'wifey'.. BTW, wtf is a wifey????????????? UUUGGGHHH I hate that terminology.. But, I will save that blog for another diz-ate lol

But, how the HECK is ANYONE tryna break up a happy home when you are just a girlfriend?? Real talk, if you ain't got a ring, you AIN'T REALLY on the team.. lol. Let alone in the HOME!

Anyway, discretion is KEY!!!!! The world of FB doesnt need to know you that: A- You're dumb B- You cant spell C- Your b/f is playing D- You KNOW and ADMIT that he is playing you E- You are acknowledging the 304z lol

The last thing I want to talk about is name changes. Now, I am currently going by a 'fake' name on FB for more than one reason, but the change is nothing I could be ashamed about PLUS I can say it in the HOUSE OF THE LORD.... MY name change and those MEANINGLESS ones like mine for PURE entertainment are considered OK!.. But if your mom named you 'Jayla Hernandez' DO NOT take upon yourself to name yourself via FB to

Jayla IsStuntingOnYouHoez247BEETCHES Hernandez

- or -

Jayla IDontGiveAFuckIgetsMoneyTRICKS

Also, this goes for dudes too! If your mom named on you 'Eugene Waters' your FB should not be

Gene IGotA44MakeSHOALLyourKIDSDontGrow Dub-Ya

- or -

GDub GetsMAdAzzFromDaBitches

COME ON! Lets do better, shall we?

Anyway, I think you all get my drift. Share this blog with others who you see blatantly acting an e-fool via fb.... DISCRETION is KEY!


May 5, 2009


Good Afternoon guys!

So, first I want to say thank you all for reading my blog.. and I feel the extreme need to put a disclaimer on my last blog..

My last blog was FREESTYLING, as with most of my blogs.. As normal stated (esp. with people that KNOW me), I am a VERY direct individual and I do NOT use this blog to take personal, private or public shots at ANYONE.... Regardless of if you FEEL like I have done (or am doing) otherwise, but I felt the need to say something about it.. This disclaimer is intended for all....

ANYWAY, back to my topic for the day... Negativity! I had a revelation of some sort this weekend and it made me come to the point where I need to clear my life and mindset of negative people, things, ideas, words, concepts, and thought processes. Yes, people it is a NEW day and a NEW me..

I woke up Saturday morning and I was not feeling like I was on top of the world; Instead, I felt like the world was on top of me. No matter what I did, I could not shake this feeling. My b/f tried to cheer me up, but I was not budging. My sister invited me and him over for dinner, and we accepted. We ended up grilling burgers and dogs and enjoying the weather, and later on, my sister's b/f joined us. After the day of fun, my mood was finally lifted.

I have an issues though. I allow people to steal my joy and dictate my emotional feelings, which is never a good thing. I should not allow anyone walking this earth to steal my joy, because they did not give it to me: GOD DID!... So, for your people who are CONTENT with being ate up with the woes of the world and have a permanent/constant/consistent 'WOE IS ME AND MY PROBLEMS' ATTITUDE.... 2 FINGAS!.. It's 2009! I have my health and GOD has great things in store for me. I WILL receive EVERYTHING he has in store for me, so that means doing AWAY with the negative BS.. and actions associated it with it.

I hope people can read my blogs for what they are worth and LEARN not to take things so personal. Work beyond your potential: You will be surprised with your results. Stop selling yourself (and others) short.. Speak LIFE (and not DEATH) into your situation.. Death = Negativity.. Speak your accomplishments and positive concepts INTO existence....

****AGAIN, THANK YOU ALL for tuning in with me this.. I sincerely appreciate it.. love you all.. Until next week.... HOLLLAAAA!!!!****