Good Morning everyone!
Today, I would like to wish everyone peace and blessings as we venture into this semi-abbreviated week due to the Memorial Day holiday. On another note, sleep is a state of mind.. Cuz a chica is TIRED!
Well, I had a pretty full Memorial Day weekend. I didnt get any real sleep until Sunday nite after my boyfriend's b'day get together. I had class all weekend, which was sooo not the 'bees-knees'.. But, Saturday nite was so much fun with my b/f and Sunday was cool too. Monday, I went to my AP's bbq at a quaint lil hidden park in downtown Detroit. In addition to starting my new job last Friday, I am working my first week of training at the new job this week while finishing up my last week with the Y (Y=Yippee in this sit-chee-ay-shun lol)
.... Enough of my aimless rambling.... On the 'da blog....
We all come to a point in our life that one may classify as the 'breaking point' or a 'defining moment' that truly shows our strength in a time of adversity. For instance, you may be used to doing one type or classification of work, but you may be presented with the opportunity to do something that are totally not accustomed to. Do you: A- Take this new opportunity by the horns and roll with the punches or B- Let fear dictate your actions.
Girlfriends is my ALL TIME fave TV series.. Anybody that knows me already knew that though.. Anyway, when Maya was in unknown territory (fist time author doing a first time book signing when her independent book was published by a big-time publisher), Lynn tried to ease her nerves by telling her words that a "great author" once wrote. Those words (which I try to live by) were: Don't Let Fear make You Its' Bitch!.. Yea, it is pretty vulgar and you can't say it in church, but a lot of people allow fear to come into their everyday lives, rendering them helpless and allowing them to be "bitch-i-fied"!
Why do people allow fear to make them its' bitch? IDK the real reason, but people need to start realizing that they are WORTH the blessings that are being bestowed upon them. If GOD saw fit for you to bless you with an opportunity, then take it.. Don't pass up a blessing. Always being open, receptive and receiving to whatever comes your way is a start.
Also, one should be able to take things at face value while being open and flexible to change and growth. Don't be stagnant in your growth; don't be a victim of the 'innocent bystander' concept, where you are allowing to life to live you, and not the other way around. Don't allow life to pass you by, how water rolls off of ones' back. Don't just sit there; There is always room for improvement. My old boss used to always say "If you have time to lean, then you have time to clean". You can use this saying for life. Clean up those areas of your lives which are not up to standard, at least in your eyes. Work on things to better yourself and your situation. Patience is key in this stage, please be advised.
****Again, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support. If you like what you read, feel free to tell a friend and share the link.. It doesn't cost anything: PROMISE! lol.. Have a blessed and prosperous week.. Until next time, HOLLLLLAAA!!!!!****
Oh Pat-Pat... You and your words....