March 17, 2009

"I know it's not too ghetto...."

Hey guys!!!!

7 days without your "Jen" makes one weak lol.. Good play on words; I know!! lol

Hello all of you out there in e-world! lol..

I had Monday off, so no blogging for me. But, when I got back to work Tuesday, ohhh weee Lordy have mercy.. The ish hath hitteth the fan-eth lol..

One of my semi-superiors (I guess.. But, that's another story in itself) got into a "street brawl" over the wknd and I think it is the MOST degrading thing ever.. For one, she is a mother; For two, she is BEYOND grown (in age) if you get my drift...

This led me to title my blog after the infamous, cute and quirky line of that EXTRA HOT Faith Evans song "You Gets No Love".. (... 'I know it's not too ghetto.. I know it's not too ghetto.. I said I know it's not too ghetto..) Anyhow, my topic today is what IS the age limit or cut off (in number or mentality) for ACTING a D&%$ fool, publicly or privately..

IMO (In my opinion), I think that if one or more of the following 'conditions' or 'situations' are present then you should not be outside 'scrapping' like a friggin' dog in the street.. The conditions are as follows:

1 - You have a child (ren) lol (The kids need to be worried about kid things, not mommy's bail $)
2 - You are over 25 ( I think that may be too old.. maybe this should be lowered)
3 - Your job is salary (LOL - for obvious reasons)
4 - You have at least a Bachelor's Degree; PLEASE Don't have a Master's or a D&^% Doctorate..

Now, the above conditions are merely starters.. PLEASE FEEL FREE to add to these or elaborate in the comments section.. However, these abovementioned conditions are somewhat reasons for not to go out and scrap.. Self-defense is another issue *WINK*

Again, thanks again for tuning in this week.. Since I was late and did not blog on Monday, maybe I will try to hit you guys off with another dose of me later this week.. Until next time, HOLLLLLAAAA! *Peace*

1 comment:

  1. Really.... Is that something that needs to be discussed? We should all know that there is a time and place for everything and leave it at that! lol... But We just can't keep it together huh!?!?!
