March 22, 2012

Self-Esteem Issues

Good Morning everyone..

I went to kickboxing last night and it kicked me down. To the ground. China Town lol

Anyway, my thighs are tight like the elastic on some too little panty drawers.. UGH

Today, I want to touch on self-esteem and what I feel is healthy and unhealthy.

Having a healthy self-esteem is recipe for living happy.

Being happy with you, not what others deem you to be. When I was growing up, people either liked me or they didn't; its very simple people. However, when people stated that they didn't like me and were asked why, it would always be something superficial like "She thinks she is cute. She thinks she is smart. She thinks she looks good. She thinks she is all that."

Well, honestly, I never said any of these things, but these people were not happy with themselves and were upset that I could be happy with myself.

Never be mad at somebody due to envy or jealousy-- Envy and jealousy is something like a carcinogen; very cancerous, deadly and toxic. Can erode you from the inside out.

Also, don't settle for less than what you deserve. Ever. Just. Don't

Having a healthy self-esteem means you speak from a place of conviction and you can attest to your mistakes. Not only that, but you can LEARN from your mistakes so you don't repeat the same wrong things over and over again.

When youor self-esteem is in the right balance, you will take care of yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.... That is a LOADED statement right there. You will eat better, think better, pray better and feel better all around. Simmer on that and what that may look like in your life.

Living consciously also comes into play. Listen to that little voice inside of you :-)

When you have an unhealthy self-esteem, you feel weak, dependent and not strong or too well put together constantly. This is often times masked by material things, drugs, alcohol, flashy clothes, belittling others, jealousy, anger, betrayal.... I could go on.

It's self esteem people. Esteem of self. Like Katt Williams said, "How can I mess up your self-esteem?? It's called SELF-ESTEEM. How can I influence how you feel about you?"

Things that make you go "hmmmmm...."

UNTIL NEXT TIME............

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