A real life look at everyday life.... Through the two eyes of one str8 up lady
May 26, 2009
Crossroads: Fear's Bitch
Today, I would like to wish everyone peace and blessings as we venture into this semi-abbreviated week due to the Memorial Day holiday. On another note, sleep is a state of mind.. Cuz a chica is TIRED!
Well, I had a pretty full Memorial Day weekend. I didnt get any real sleep until Sunday nite after my boyfriend's b'day get together. I had class all weekend, which was sooo not the 'bees-knees'.. But, Saturday nite was so much fun with my b/f and Sunday was cool too. Monday, I went to my AP's bbq at a quaint lil hidden park in downtown Detroit. In addition to starting my new job last Friday, I am working my first week of training at the new job this week while finishing up my last week with the Y (Y=Yippee in this sit-chee-ay-shun lol)
.... Enough of my aimless rambling.... On the 'da blog....
We all come to a point in our life that one may classify as the 'breaking point' or a 'defining moment' that truly shows our strength in a time of adversity. For instance, you may be used to doing one type or classification of work, but you may be presented with the opportunity to do something that are totally not accustomed to. Do you: A- Take this new opportunity by the horns and roll with the punches or B- Let fear dictate your actions.
Girlfriends is my ALL TIME fave TV series.. Anybody that knows me already knew that though.. Anyway, when Maya was in unknown territory (fist time author doing a first time book signing when her independent book was published by a big-time publisher), Lynn tried to ease her nerves by telling her words that a "great author" once wrote. Those words (which I try to live by) were: Don't Let Fear make You Its' Bitch!.. Yea, it is pretty vulgar and you can't say it in church, but a lot of people allow fear to come into their everyday lives, rendering them helpless and allowing them to be "bitch-i-fied"!
Why do people allow fear to make them its' bitch? IDK the real reason, but people need to start realizing that they are WORTH the blessings that are being bestowed upon them. If GOD saw fit for you to bless you with an opportunity, then take it.. Don't pass up a blessing. Always being open, receptive and receiving to whatever comes your way is a start.
Also, one should be able to take things at face value while being open and flexible to change and growth. Don't be stagnant in your growth; don't be a victim of the 'innocent bystander' concept, where you are allowing to life to live you, and not the other way around. Don't allow life to pass you by, how water rolls off of ones' back. Don't just sit there; There is always room for improvement. My old boss used to always say "If you have time to lean, then you have time to clean". You can use this saying for life. Clean up those areas of your lives which are not up to standard, at least in your eyes. Work on things to better yourself and your situation. Patience is key in this stage, please be advised.
****Again, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support. If you like what you read, feel free to tell a friend and share the link.. It doesn't cost anything: PROMISE! lol.. Have a blessed and prosperous week.. Until next time, HOLLLLLAAA!!!!!****
May 21, 2009
Can you be my Wifey??
Today's topic is the hood term wifey. Today we will define what is a wifey, how one can become (or steer away from being) one, and why that term/role may or may not be for everyone.
First, we should define what is a wifey.. Well, even though I am only 23 (and a female) I feel that I have all of the necessary tools to say what exactly a wifey consists of. A wifey is someone (most often a female, even though I claimed to 'wife' up dudes lol - that's another topic for another day lol) Well, a wifey (IMO) is a female who does all the duties that a wife or serious girlfriend might do, which can include (but are not limited to): Cooking, cleaning, nurturing, etc.. (IMO the man can do these duties as well!!!) The base or origin word of wifey is 'wife' which is a partner or participant in a marriage.
Now, that we have defined what a wifey is, I will now lay out all of the informational background as to why some females aspire to be (or detest the image) of being one. Personally, I do not want to be wifey; It seems as if wifey's or sum BM's do not ever get rings or even a serious philandering-free commitment out of their significant other. And you know my saying now, "You ain't OFFICIALLY on the team, if you aint got a ring!!!!" You do not have any sense of a REAL role unless he approaches you with a REAL commitment ( at least a commitment both of you can OPENLY and HONESTLY be SATISFIED with). Some females DO aspire to be wifey's because they feel that it may be stepping stone to where they want to be. However, settling for less is never an option. One of my sorors/advisors/mentors/Choir Director :-) told me something a long time ago that REALLY stuck with me and I quote it all the time, whenever it applies and Im gon use it now: When you settle for less that what you deserve, you get even less than what you settled for. IDK about you, but that quote was told me to some years ago and it is still a VERY powerful and motivational quote. Some of those females who settle, thinking they are using that position as a stepping stone, may often be in for a rude awakening when reality sets in. Also, some females detest being placed in the position of wifey versus something else. Firsthand, I can say that I am not going to be doing wifely duties unless I am a wife, not a wifey. Some gals choose not to be wifeys because settling isn't high on their list of priorities.. Being satisfied is!
The term/role of wifey is not for everyone. Personally, it isn't for me because I am a grown woman, whom IMO is NEVER a wifey, but somebody's future wife. There IS a difference. Real women don't settle and accept things as the status quo; Girls let water roll off of their back and do NOTHING about to improve the situation at hand.
May 19, 2009
Uh Uh... Rudeness?!?!
I started working out yesterday.. Grrr.. Combined with my eating rite, better and more healthy bit, I should be fine.. and sexier by the time July hits.. Get 'em girl! lol
Anyway, my topic for the day is rude people.... Rude people should just slit their wrists and bleed to death silently in a corner somewhere.. No, for real.. Perhaps lol.. But, in my line of work (customer service, more specifically, servicing these corporate big wigs who think that their ish don't reek).. My topic today will be dispelling how I CHOOSE to deal with this specific population and how I turn the tables while still being a reputable employee.
For one, we should define what makes a customer or client rude. Sure, we all should use our common sense to define a rude client or customer. Anyway, a rude client or customer is a person coming in requesting service from an employee at a service-based establishment, who, upon entry of the establishment verbally belittles the employee or berates them when things do not go their way or they are prejudging the employee on one of many personal levels (i.e. education, salary, race, etc...)
Now, that we know what constitutes a rude client or customer, we can now delve into what exactly I CHOOSE to do to combat these "Rude Judes".. For now, we will refer to those people as "Goofy Douches" here on out.. But for short, they will be "GD"s lol... OHHH Jeff is riot at work!
Anyhow, I just want to say when I encounter GDs, I simply smile and make fun of them in my head. For example, when a stupid person comes in and demands info on their acoount, I politely smile and say please hold while I pull up your information. While doing so, I call them names in my head, such as Tight-Ass, Weak Ass, Punk Ass, Bitches of Hell-Damnation lol.. I think you get my drift.. This is such a stress reliever and makes me laugh even more.. So, when you encounter dumb a** people in your line of work, DO NOT stress. Just giggle, and realize that ur more fine than they will ever be and call them all sorts of funny and demeaning names in your head. It helps me.. maybe it can help you! :-)
BY doing this, I am still being a reputable employee because I am filling this service that is being asked of me and I am not flying off the handle at ignorant people plus I am entertaining myself. DOUBLE AND TRIPLE POSITIVES!!!!!!!!!! LOL
ANyhow, that is all for the day.. Tune in next week...
May 11, 2009
Mild Rambling.... ;-)
I am at work, tired as a dog and I hope ALL of the MOTHERS had a blessed and joyous Mother's Day Holiday!!!!
I saw some things on Facebook.com from various profiles, photo albums, status' and even manipulation of names (and the such) that were very disturbing to me *cues up Rihanna's "Disturbia"* ... *runs to go cut that annying chica off* lol
One of the FIRST things I saw on the ol' "book of face" was the 'weave' thing. Now, there is nothing wrong with 'faking it until you make it' when it comes to ones hair. But, I do feel that there should be a limit put on people with how much weave they can buy and how much they can legally put in their head. Just my opinion, what do you think? For example, I saw a chick's profile picture and I was really wracking my brain trying to remember where I knew her from and then it dawned on me: I went to GVSU with her and had classes with her. It was hard for me to readily recall with all that 'Instant BEYONCE tresses' goings on.. Really now, does it make females feel better to wear so much weave so often that the following occur: 1- Their real hair begins to fall out 2 - Their real hair begins to break off REALLY bad (i.e. feels like steel wool to the touch) 3 - They begin to think that these 'weaves' are their real hair.. I think you get my dirft.. But, maybe it is just me.. What do you think????
One of the SECOND things I saw on the 'FB' was the photo album disaster. Some things are cute to take pictures of and share with friends. Some things you should keep to yourself. You should NEVER post an album of what happens after you have had TOO much Tex-Mex on Cinco de Mayo and come to find out, Tex-Mex and your digestive system doesn't agree.. 'Nuff said! Just NASTY! Two things: NASS and TEE!
One of the THIRD things I noticed on FB was peoples' status'. Like OMG can some people be so childish (yet entertaining!!!!).. For example, I came across this one chick's profile and her status said [I am CHANGING her name to a fictitious one]:
Jayla* feels like you 304z betta step off her man b4 she comez to yo' jiz-ob and slashes yo' cheap azz tires one mo' 'gin.. Man-man is all mine; U 304z tryna break up a happy home but I am NOT havin' it 304!
LMFAO! I know! Pure comedy, ESPECIALLY at 5 in the morning.... But, if you really feel like that, maybe you should tell 'Man-Man' to get his ish together, especially if the '304z' didnt know you were apart of the harem.. err, I mean you were 'wifey'.. BTW, wtf is a wifey????????????? UUUGGGHHH I hate that terminology.. But, I will save that blog for another diz-ate lol
But, how the HECK is ANYONE tryna break up a happy home when you are just a girlfriend?? Real talk, if you ain't got a ring, you AIN'T REALLY on the team.. lol. Let alone in the HOME!
Anyway, discretion is KEY!!!!! The world of FB doesnt need to know you that: A- You're dumb B- You cant spell C- Your b/f is playing D- You KNOW and ADMIT that he is playing you E- You are acknowledging the 304z lol
The last thing I want to talk about is name changes. Now, I am currently going by a 'fake' name on FB for more than one reason, but the change is nothing I could be ashamed about PLUS I can say it in the HOUSE OF THE LORD.... MY name change and those MEANINGLESS ones like mine for PURE entertainment are considered OK!.. But if your mom named you 'Jayla Hernandez' DO NOT take upon yourself to name yourself via FB to
Jayla IsStuntingOnYouHoez247BEETCHES Hernandez
- or -
Jayla IDontGiveAFuckIgetsMoneyTRICKS
Also, this goes for dudes too! If your mom named on you 'Eugene Waters' your FB should not be
Gene IGotA44MakeSHOALLyourKIDSDontGrow Dub-Ya
- or -
GDub GetsMAdAzzFromDaBitches
COME ON! Lets do better, shall we?
Anyway, I think you all get my drift. Share this blog with others who you see blatantly acting an e-fool via fb.... DISCRETION is KEY!
May 5, 2009
So, first I want to say thank you all for reading my blog.. and I feel the extreme need to put a disclaimer on my last blog..
My last blog was FREESTYLING, as with most of my blogs.. As normal stated (esp. with people that KNOW me), I am a VERY direct individual and I do NOT use this blog to take personal, private or public shots at ANYONE.... Regardless of if you FEEL like I have done (or am doing) otherwise, but I felt the need to say something about it.. This disclaimer is intended for all....
ANYWAY, back to my topic for the day... Negativity! I had a revelation of some sort this weekend and it made me come to the point where I need to clear my life and mindset of negative people, things, ideas, words, concepts, and thought processes. Yes, people it is a NEW day and a NEW me..
I woke up Saturday morning and I was not feeling like I was on top of the world; Instead, I felt like the world was on top of me. No matter what I did, I could not shake this feeling. My b/f tried to cheer me up, but I was not budging. My sister invited me and him over for dinner, and we accepted. We ended up grilling burgers and dogs and enjoying the weather, and later on, my sister's b/f joined us. After the day of fun, my mood was finally lifted.
I have an issues though. I allow people to steal my joy and dictate my emotional feelings, which is never a good thing. I should not allow anyone walking this earth to steal my joy, because they did not give it to me: GOD DID!... So, for your people who are CONTENT with being ate up with the woes of the world and have a permanent/constant/consistent 'WOE IS ME AND MY PROBLEMS' ATTITUDE.... 2 FINGAS!.. It's 2009! I have my health and GOD has great things in store for me. I WILL receive EVERYTHING he has in store for me, so that means doing AWAY with the negative BS.. and actions associated it with it.
I hope people can read my blogs for what they are worth and LEARN not to take things so personal. Work beyond your potential: You will be surprised with your results. Stop selling yourself (and others) short.. Speak LIFE (and not DEATH) into your situation.. Death = Negativity.. Speak your accomplishments and positive concepts INTO existence....
****AGAIN, THANK YOU ALL for tuning in with me this.. I sincerely appreciate it.. love you all.. Until next week.... HOLLLAAAA!!!!****
April 29, 2009
I haven't been to the hospital in a WHOLE week (YAY!) and I am eating meat again (DOUBLE YAY!).. I know that is random, but ANYONE who has been following the blog will understand those two points *waits while the semi-loyal readers check past blogs to 'catch-up'* (LOL)
Anyhow, I hope everyone is having a blessed week and I am SURE glad it is WEDNESDAY!!!! YIPPEE!!!! Friday afternoon can NOT get here QUICK enough....
So, today my topic is REAL LOVE... And I am not pitting it against anything, just freestyling about this topic because it something important: Some people want it, some have it, some avoid it, some abuse it, some misuse it, some manipulate it.... I could go on and on!.... I do feel like love (when it is REALLY REAL) takes work to maintain and improve. There is always room for improvement. One of my favorite movies is 'Love Jones' and a quote that I LIVE by and offer up to others as a way of enlightenment is said by Isaiah Washington to Larenz Tate at their friends' get-together.. Isaiah Washington looks at Larenz and says: "Everybody all trying to fall in love and shit. Falling in love ain't shit. Somebody talk to me and tell me how to stay there." To me, that quote is the epitome of REAL LOVE: Anything worth having, enjoying and reaping the benefits from is worth working hard for.
REAL LOVE takes REAL TIME to develop, mature and hone. That ish is stronger than infatutation and can either propel people into greatness or be ones' demise. Love is something simple, such as rolling over in the middle of the night while your eyes are still closed, feeling your mate there and smiling. Sometimes that is just enough, if you get my drift. Love can be a high, a sort of addiction, but REAL LOVE, is dealing and coping with the highs and lows, the ups and downs, and knowing when all of that has come to past, then you two will still be there for each other.
***I know I said I was NOT going to pit REAL LOVE against anything else, but the COMPARISON (ooohh, that's a big word boys and girls) was so natural and uncanny for me not to point out.**
REAL LOVE stands the test of time; it can weather anything and become stronger because of it. REAL LOVE is full of compromise, sincerity, thoughtfulness, selflessness and understanding.... In various forms and sometimes, simpler or smaller is SOMETIMES better and more meaningful. LOVE is about action, not just words (spoken or unspoken) or material bullsh*t.. REAL LOVE is all about sacrifice, adventure, sometimes vulnerability and fearlessness.
For the last two years, I have not given out the label 'boyfriend' for various reasons, but during my time off, I did have A LOT of time to reflect on what REAL LOVE is, what exactly is infatuation, was I ready for love, etc... All the things necessary to do BEFORE you plunge into a committed relationship. I won't say what exactly drove me to NOT do these things before, but I can say that I will chalk that up to life experiences: I AM NOT WHO I WAS YESTERDAY, NOR WILL I EVER BE AGAIN!
Today, I challenge all of my faithful readers out there to do this one thing (regardless of your relationship status): Make a DEFINITIVE/SPECIFIC and DETAILED list of what you hope to gain or learn from a relationship rooted the right way. Things are not weighted equally, so you may have to priotitize your list, in order for this activity to REALLY show you something about yourself. DO NOT think about what others want from love or what people may think or your list; do not even think about how to 'trick' your list into forming what u think ur current / ideal mate is all about. NOW: Compare how many of the items your mate (or intended mate) exudes; You mite be surpised to see that what you think is important can ACTUALLY be nonexistent or extremely dominant in your attraction to finding love. This exercise will show you that sometimes what YOU SAY you need is not exactly what your vibe (or nonverball communication) is sending out to people. Sometimes, what you say you need or THINK you need is NOT really for you anyway. Those of you who TRYING to be something that you are not, PLEASE BE AWARE that true colors come out.
April 20, 2009
Honesty is the ONLY Policy I KNOW.... Part 2
First off, I want to thank all of you for reading my most recent post on being HONEST with yourself. I got SOOOOO many texts about that..
Today, my topic for blog discussion will be focused on the mentality of males....
Follow me if you dare... mu-ah-ah-ah! * evil laughter*
I have been watching 'For the love of Ray-J' since it aired; the first show was against my will. However, after seeing the first show and the second, I was hooked!! Yesterday was the finale and I am sooo excited because Cocktail is the winner. Personally, I was sad to see Chardonnay go because I truly felt like she was the one for Mr. Willie Ray Norwood Jr. (Don't ask how I know his real name; I used to be a Ray-J fan back when he was singing 'Let It Go' lol).. However, Ray-J let Chardonnay because he felt like she was more of a "homey" than a "wifey".
To me, it was kind of ironic as to why Mr. Ray-J did not swoon over Chardonnay. After the first nite, if he felt she was the type of woman that was not good for him, then maybe he should have eliminated her sooner. However, I do think that Ray-J has issues. How do you explain keeping Ms. Unique (who LIED the MOST during her lie detector test) and get rid of Chardonnay (who told the TRUTH on the VAST MAJORITY of her questions), keeping Danger's crazy a$$ (after her lie detector test proved she was an 'unstable creature') and CHOOSING Cocktail (who admitted needing a man to complete her, yet Ray-J NEEDS a STRONG woman)? To me, it was wrong and Ray-J knew it. But, men (like most women) can not justify 'CHEMISTRY'..
Chemistry (or lack thereof) can be defined as that intagible something that draws you toward (or repels you) from a person in a way. It can be decribed as the burning feeling (or ice cold repulsion) you have for people. Chemistry can not be measured, but it's something 'you just know' when it's right or wrong....
Chemistry is a very strong thing people! It can make sooo attracted and addicted to being around someone or their aura or it can draw you away from someone, like a funky odor.. Chemistry is a powerful thing.... Whether you want to believe it or not..
Anyway, Back to Ray-J.. He ditched Chardonnay because he felt like he had TOO friendship chemistry with her and not enough love chemistry (I assume since the show is 'For the LOVE of Ray-J).. However, I feel like he already knew this.. Sometimes when you and someone hit it off like those two hit it off, romantic things seem to be awkward because you are looking at this person like a homeboy/homegirl.. I also feel like ANY good relationship that wants to have a solid foundation should have that 'friends' basis in it.. Friends get to know each other in a relaxed-type of environment, which can sometimes eliminate the pressure or stress of romantic overtures....
I feel like if some MALES would be MORE honest with these females, then they wouldn't have so MANY broken hearts and hurt feelings out there. Yes, we as females are sometimes emotional and look ahead with our hearts instead of opening our eyes and seeing what is REAL.. Sometimes males brag about their "game" but TRUST!!!! It is NOT GAME when you are lying, deceiving or manipulating people to get what you want from the situation. (It's actually called LYING!!!!!!!!! lol)
I hate it (I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT!) when girls make up excuses for guys who are nothing but weak liars.. UGH! Grrrrrr.... I also hate it when guys don't "MAN UP" and just admit to their infidelities, their lack of self-esteem (ooh there's a GOOD ONE!!), their fear of sometimes not being good enough for THAT ONE lady so they over-compensate by having MULTIPLE females (whome may or may not be very different from one another) in order to make themselves feel more like a 'man'..
For example, these reality shows are FULL of insecure men (and women) wishing to be pampered with attention and love from women who want their attention for whatever reason.. These men (or at least they seem to be) sooo desperate for some attention that they set up challenges and missions that pit the ladies against one another for the time and affection of the pseudo-celeb dude (or gal).. I mean let's be REAL for a minute.... What celeb in YOUR mind has trouble finding a date?? Even the ugliest of celebs have a flocking of some sort... Who can find love in a month????? OMG!
Well... That's all I have to say on that.... Stay TUNED!!!!
**** AGAIN, THANKS for giving me all the love and visiting the blog VERY often!!!! Until next time, HOLLLLAAAAAA!!!!!****
April 17, 2009
I been GONE for a MINUTE, but I'm Biz-ack on the BLOGSPOT
I sooo want to apologize for not writing in OVER 2 weeks.... I have been in & out urgent care for the last 2 weeks with VARIOUS things.. But anyhow, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I AM HERE: Alive and Kicking!!!!
So, things for me have been VERY blessed.. I have SEVERAL interviews (some successful and some not as successful), but I have learned PLENTY from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE I met..
My topic for the day is HONESTY & MEN. Being honest with yourself and being honest with your situation (being grounded in reality, so to speak). *takes a deep breath*
I am SPEAKING on stuff I USED to do, but I learned from. Learn from my mistakes. I know for MANY of you readers out there, you WILL know someone that sounds like the situation I am describing (heck it mite be YOU) but LEARN! You can't live for the past, but you can LEARN not to make that decision again!
First, people (sometimes females most often) are not honest with themselves. Do not claim to be able to handle certain situations, predicaments and emotionally-charged situations with logic: You WILL NOT accomplish this feat. We, as humans, are emotionally driven. Everything we do drives or invokes an emotion. Do not set yourself up for what I call an "emotional disappointment" which WILL lead to you becoming an emotional wreck.
-For example, do NOT agree to be a guys' "cutty-buddy" knowing good and d$#@ well you WANT to be his girlfriend. BY sleeping with him, you are releasing him of EVER having to really take you serious. By giving in to his/your physical needs, you are denying your (maybe more than his) emotional, spiritual, mental needs that are REQUIRED from a girlfriend. We as females CLAIM to be able to handle this, but in fact, we are REALLY saying that we are willing to settle for what PLEASES you more than what would please us. Essentially, we are putting your needs before our own, which is too self-less of an act that makes you vulnerable for being disappointed.
By being honest with yourselves, we (as humans in general) must STOP "reading between the lines" or "decoding" things people say to us. Yes, some people do speak in riddles, but for MANY and PLENTY of us, we SAY EXACTLY what we MEAN and MEAN EXACTLY what we SAY!... Thus, DO NOT or rather DON'T NOT (Yup a double negative cuz its that bad lol) be doing the following (I was QUEEN of this b&$%*%$@)
- He said that he might get around to calling me later if he isn't too busy. I know it does not sound like much, but girl, you shoulda seen HOW he said it!
- He said See you later baby! He called me baby! Yea, I know he uses that term a lot with other ladies and he has a girlfriend, but I'm different. You don't know him like I do.
..... I think you get my drift now, eh?
Take words for FACE VALUE cuz in the end, ACTIONS (Yea, s&^% that you ACTUALLY SEE, WITNESS, EXPERIENCE and can ATTEST TO are the BIG things that count!)
Lastly, I want to talk about being HONEST with those around you. Friends, family, significant ones, etc... You get what I mean..
However, I guess this blog is for people that used to be like me, the girl described in this blog. I did a lot of dumb things because I wasn't grounded in reality. I used to think when a guys said "I'm not ready for a g/f" that that MEANT "Can you change me? Are you up for the challenge?" Me, being naive and young, said 'YES' every single time.. However, taking things at FACE VALUE (say that ALTOGETHER children: FACE VAL-YOU!) can save you FACE and UNNECESSARY HEARTACHE in the long run....
Ladies and men, we got to do better....
**** I LOVE YOU ALL FOR SUPPORTING MY BLOG! Please come back and read again soon!
Be blessed! HOLLLAAAAA!*****
March 30, 2009
Ignorant people.... Ignoramus' or nimrods lol
I hope this blog finds everyones weekend great.. Mine was busy.. Let's see.. I was sick last week, had to work the rest of the week (which included being at work at 5am on Thursday and Friday), then had class Friday nite from 5-9, 9am-9pm on Saturday and 9-12 on Sunday, THEN turn around and have to be at work at 5am on Monday.. Ain't life just grand?!?!?!
Today's original topic has been replaced with ignorant people because it seems that I am running into MORE and MORE of this breed.. I am starting to think that there is something in the water. That is how rampant people are displaying their lack of intelligence, common sense and brain power.
Ignorant people are very slick.. They hide behind their degrees, accomplishments, accolades, professional/personal titles, material possessions, etc.., while clucking their thick tongues and assuming things (or making fictitious generalizations) about other people or groups of people..
Ignorant people are selfish. They tend to only think about themselves, while making sure they receive all of the attention and limelight. They ALWAYS want you to hear about their STUPID issues, problems, stories or life examples ("Mee, mee, mee, what about meeeee?!").. Which gets VERY BORING!!!!
Ignorant people make quick decisions that are not thought out and therefore, the outcome of the decision hurts the ignorant person. However, being the ignoramus they are, they tend to blame their 'turn of bad luck' on society, a certain group of people, etc.. But, never, does an ignorant person look at themselves and say 'I made a bad decision. How do I rectify this??'..
Ignorant people do not know or understand the meaning of 'We do what we have to do in order to do what we want to do'.. 'Nuff said!!!!
Ignorant people do IGNORANT and STUPID things i.e. believing they control their fate and not GOD.... 'Nuff said!!!!
Ignorant people can not discern between a need and a want. Therefore, precious time is wasted and financial distress can occur, in most instances....
I hope I do not sound like I am going off on a tangent or a rant, but I am merely sharing the truth with you....
I know that no one is perfect. As human beings, we are all fallible. From time to time, you MAY slip into one or more of these categories.. But, just because you slip and fall does NOT mean you can NOT regain your balance and walk UPRIGHT again.. We all may be IGNORANT at one time or another, but we as REAL human beings can change and evolve for the better....
If you have taken offense to this, then I am NOT apologizing. This is merely my opinion.... I felt I had something on my heart to say, so therefore, I shared it with all of YOU lovely people out there....
****THANKS AGAIN for choosing to spend some time with me.. It's greatly appreciated.. Until next time, HOLLLLAAAAA!! Peace****
March 25, 2009
With this copy machine, I thee wed.... lol
Anyhow, I want to thank all of you that prayed for me to get better -- It was MUCH appreciated!
Anyway, I was at work today, rocking my new 'do (A fierce slick 'em back ponytail..... Beyonce STYLE! .. I was tired of doing my hair y'all!) and I was racking my brain thinking of a topic to use in my blog.. And I came up with one, thanks to me and Janeia laughing at people at work.. Inner-office dating!!!! DING DING DING!!!!
First, I would like to say that inner office dating can be fun, awkward and scary at the same time.. Right now, I am thinking about the topic, and I AM SOOOO SURE that I never took part in inner office dating.. For more than one reason... Well, there was that one time when I was working at Pondo but hey, I was bored.... lol Plus it only lasted for like 2-3 months
Personally, I think if both parties are up for the ups and downs it has to offer (in addition to the regular highs and lows that a regular relationship offers), go right ahead. But, if you're like me, and you opt for the lowest amount of drama available, here are my issues with why inner office dating is a no-no..
1 - If you aren't married, DON'T start thinking your new co-worker is THE ONE
2 - If you did not know each other until you started working together, don't you learn more than what you need to know..
3 - If you guys break up / fall out (more than likely, you will), then you got to deal with this a-hole at work...
4 - When one of you needs 'time apart', you can FORGET about THAT!!!! You work with this idiot, REMEMBER?!?!
I can't think of anything else, but if I am discouraging inner office dating, then that also rules out inner office boning, inner office flirting, inner office baby daddy/baby mama drama (GRRRRRRRRR!!!!)
**** Until next time, this is ya girl.... Peace OUT! Holllllllaaaaa!
March 17, 2009
"I know it's not too ghetto...."
7 days without your "Jen" makes one weak lol.. Good play on words; I know!! lol
Hello all of you out there in e-world! lol..
I had Monday off, so no blogging for me. But, when I got back to work Tuesday, ohhh weee Lordy have mercy.. The ish hath hitteth the fan-eth lol..
One of my semi-superiors (I guess.. But, that's another story in itself) got into a "street brawl" over the wknd and I think it is the MOST degrading thing ever.. For one, she is a mother; For two, she is BEYOND grown (in age) if you get my drift...
This led me to title my blog after the infamous, cute and quirky line of that EXTRA HOT Faith Evans song "You Gets No Love".. (... 'I know it's not too ghetto.. I know it's not too ghetto.. I said I know it's not too ghetto..) Anyhow, my topic today is what IS the age limit or cut off (in number or mentality) for ACTING a D&%$ fool, publicly or privately..
IMO (In my opinion), I think that if one or more of the following 'conditions' or 'situations' are present then you should not be outside 'scrapping' like a friggin' dog in the street.. The conditions are as follows:
1 - You have a child (ren) lol (The kids need to be worried about kid things, not mommy's bail $)
2 - You are over 25 ( I think that may be too old.. maybe this should be lowered)
3 - Your job is salary (LOL - for obvious reasons)
4 - You have at least a Bachelor's Degree; PLEASE Don't have a Master's or a D&^% Doctorate..
Now, the above conditions are merely starters.. PLEASE FEEL FREE to add to these or elaborate in the comments section.. However, these abovementioned conditions are somewhat reasons for not to go out and scrap.. Self-defense is another issue *WINK*
Again, thanks again for tuning in this week.. Since I was late and did not blog on Monday, maybe I will try to hit you guys off with another dose of me later this week.. Until next time, HOLLLLLAAAA! *Peace*
March 9, 2009
Jenny Don't!!.... Hurt 'em? Not me!!!! LOL
- Whether you be one of my FOUR (what a lovely number BTW ;-) supremely exquisite supporters who aren't ashamed to openly subscribe to me, a private subscriber or a new reader.. Thank for stopping by for your daily dose of 'JEN'.. And I ain't BOTTOMSHELF 'JEN' EITHER *INSIDE JOKE* lol
**DISCLAIMER** I am running off of an hour and a half of sleep TOPS because of the DayLight Savings Time, me being restless and not being able to fall asleep and when I actually DID fall asleep, my boyfriend locked himself out of the apartment lol.. Anyway, please excuse the spelling and/ or grammatical errors in advance....
Anyhow, today, I kind of have a topic that I would like to speak my mind about. Last night, as I was struggling to do a rewrite of one my papers for grad school, I noticed that I was just doing the paper to fulfill the requirements and nothing else. For some of you, this may seem like a normal happenstance but for me, when I do a paper, I put my all in to it. I learn from myself, from others, as well as peer editors who help out during the revising process. But, ever since I have been in grad school, I have not felt the need to challenge myself and rise to the occasion. When my professors even attempt to push and try to get more out of me, I simply 'fall short' of what is being asked of me.
I began to question was I smart enough to do the work, which my professors never brought up. However, I quickly ruled that out because I received all A's and a B- in my first semester of grad school. Second, I began to question was I in teh right program. That was eventually ruled out because the program was about Social Justice, an area that I feel closely embodies what type of person I am, inside and out. Then, I began to look at was it the class schedule and such. This has not been ruled out, but in some ways, my intuition is telling me that this is not the negligent factor, either. One of the last things I thought was me as a person, where I am at in my life, my AKAmplishments ;-) as well as my goals for self. Then, it hit me. I am in a program with all of these older people, who are at least one of the following: 1- Have been out of school for at least 5 years or more; 2 - Have established SOME type of foundation in their careers or lives; 3- Have SOME type of financial stability and foundation that is SOMEWHAT dependable; 3- Have full-time jobs; 4- Have kids; 5- Have lived their lives, identified a passion for changing the world and are confident in where they are right now....
Personally, this kind of unnerved me once I really sat down, thought about it and broke it down for myself and others to see where I was coming from. I have not been out of undergrad for even a year yet; there was not even 6 months in between the time from whence I graduated until the time I began graduate coursework at MG. My life and JOB (I don't have a career right now; YES there IS a difference) really don't NOT (Yea I said it) have any real foundation or afford me the opportunity to feel "financially secure" or "financially dependable". I do NOT work full time (UGH this h$% a$$ list is GETTING WORSE AND WORSE for me, aint it?!?!). I am ONLY 23 years old, so therefore, I feel like I have not lived my life some. I do NOT have children and I am NOT confident/comfortable in where I am at right now..
However, I eventually want to change the world and have an impact on society in the manifestation of opening a non profit agency, serving black males ages 16-30, who have felonious records. I just feel that right now, I can NOT effectively help ANYBODY if I can't help myself. I need to help me first before I "SAVE THE WORLD"!
But, alas, I suffer from 'Good Achievers' -itis and I MUST complete what I start. It DOES kind of unnerve me that after I broke this ALL the way down for people, they told me the following:
'You have an educated mind. You were made to educated. You were made to go to school. These things come so easy for you. That is a gift you should not waste. Don't drop out.'
I understand that education and learning comes more naturally to others than some, but I kind of think that is such a "cop-out" answer in a sense. Anyway, I'm tired of writing about this cuz it is making me mad GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.. Let me get back to friggin' work.. err, I mean my jiz-ob! lol
As usual, BE BLESSED!!!!! YOU could have been anywhere else, but YOU decided to be with me and read what I had to say .. Awwww *tear*.. lol.. Have a great day and a properous week.. and I will get at you guys SOON! Holllllaaaa!
March 3, 2009
Just another day....
First off, I would like to thank all of my supporters and fans ;-) for tuning in and reading my blog yesterday.. THANKS!!!! And to those 2 special people who are my followers, THANX AN ISH-LOAD lol (My Klub - Get DOWN or Lay DOWN! & C. Rolle).. THANX LOVES!!!!
Anyhow, I decided to blog before the next Monday; this can be quite addictive, which can be a good or bad thing..
I'm at work right now and my right side has been hurting since Friday evening.. Grrrr.. I haven't had a drink since my "J'Day" and I will NOT have a drink until March 22nd.. BTW, I have A VERY important audition on the 21st, so I'm not drinking juice or pop either.. Grrrr lol Hopefully, I did not tear the tissues in my kidney..again.. That was h*^% and the last time I did that.. ugh, let's not go there, boys and girls...
Hopefully, my supervisor lets me leave early because I don't have an appetite (which is soooooooo not like ya girl) Grrrrrr... But, I am going shopping w/my boyfriend and his niece.. Hoepfully, I dont overspend.. My card suffers from what my Dad has dubbed "Over-Swipage" hehehe
Lately, I been thinking about how I can not wait for Spring to get here and the Summer.. However, I'm looking forward to April since I don't have classes in April.. Super Deee Duper.. Why am I in SUCH a rush for the weather to change you ask? Cuz its' COLD.. BRRR.. Im freezin' my nubbzies off.. Sheesh!..
Anyway, enough random talk.. Let me pick a topic. How about..... Love?.. Survey says.. DING DING DING! We got a winner folks!
Everyone is obsesses with love, whether it be their love for someone else, another's love life, reality TV shows involving love, etc.... It's just a controversial topic because the spectrum of opinion is sooo large and soo broad..
Take me for example. I don't think I am obsessed with love, but I do know that love is a powerful thing. Addictive like drugs, and can be harmful like a poison. Some people have a way of "losing their selves" when they proclaim love.. I used to do that when I was younger, but now that I am older and enjoying a relationship (mind you I havent had a relationship since October 2005), I can easily point out my faults and see where I went wrong and where I could have done better.
This girl I know (who shall remain nameless) is in love BAD.. But she has TRULY lost herself and her identity. She does not know she is anymore. She has surrendered the evil side of love. She does not do much of anything unless she has his permission, she knows and ACCEPTS his infidelity as the norm (she does not even question it anymore.. ewwwyy).. He blatantly disrespects her, but her excuse for not leaving is this: He hasn't hit me, so he isn't THAT disrespectful. Besides, why leave now? I KNOW I am the one for him and he is NOT leaving! I refuse to allow another chick to take what's MINE!!
QUESTION!!!! HOW is ANYBODY YOURS?!?! ESPECIALLY (or as the Spanish would say 'especialmente' (Es-Spes-see-al-men-tay) lol.. when he OPENLY cheats on you and treats you like something beneath him instead of his equal.. DON'T be letting him PLAY you for a side order when you don't look like a FRENCH FRY!
She should use my WORD OF THE WEEK : "YOU'RE CUT OFF!"
Feel free to comment and be looking for my blog next week... HOLLA! lol... ;-).. God BLESS you ALL!
March 2, 2009
Confused (Con-fwused)
This is my first time having a blog in this type of manner. I had one on MySpace, but the upkeep on it was kind of horrible.. Or as the spanish would say 'whore-d-ree-blay' lol.. Anywho, here goes nothing....
I am at work right now and have been here since 5am. Life after graduation is not no hoe, as most recent alums can attest to. With the economy the way it is, I am grateful that I have a way by which to make the ends meet. I have my own apartment, my own car, and I loving and supportive boyfriend.. Awww! I know right? But, alas, life right now, ain't not d*&% crystal stair!
Lately, those who used to be in my inner circle when I was in undergrad are slowly being removed by their own actions. IDK what the real reason is, but HEY, the streets is TALKIN' YO! lol.. Those people (and they should have a GOOD feeling who they are) should reflect on themselves, asking what it is about themselves that they dont like.. What IS it that makes them want to "befriend" people for their own selfish gain? I thought everyone knew that geunine people TRULY do succeed in the long run.. The level of disrespect they BLATANTLY display to those who afforded you the opportunity to be where you at makes me sick to my stomach.. I'm just confused about that.. *sighs* Some will be honorable, while some are going to be disloyal.. But, I digress..
Karma is, gently put, a be-otch!.. Straight-shootin' str8 from the hip.. People really need to be careful WHAT it is they are putting out there in the universe because everything you put out does COME back around, in one form or another.. Where do you think the saying "Everything that goes around comes back around...." comes from, you nimrods....
It is 2009! I am living for MYSELF and NO ONE ELSE!! I just want that to be perfectly clear! I feel that I most often bend over backwards for people and go out of my way to make sure people I deal with are comfortably accomodated, but I'm tired of being taken advantaged of.. Enough is enough!
My 3 words for this week (and 2009 as well) are: You're cut off!
Be looking for my blog series to be updated weekly (HOPEFULLY!).... Love you all faithful readers... God bless!