Good Morning All
This week has been pretty busy.. And I no appreciate it very much..
I have been working out, eating right, and getting fit and trim.... I mean, my birthday is 21 days from yesterday lol On the 22nd.. I so excited.. Hip Hip Hooray..
Please feel free to let me know if you want to take me out when I come to Detroit (ha-ha) and also please feel free to suggest new things I should try..
For now, I think I want to go to MGM and enjoy a corned beef sammitch, go to Centaur for those world-class martinis.. I'd love to make it out to Royal Oak to hit that wine bar up called "Vino-something..." I also want to go to my friends' party on Friday, I want to go to OHOP (The Original House of Pancakes).... I also want to go to this sushi bar in Troy by my old job.. Um, I also want to find time to hang out, as well as rest.... And of course, Church on Sunday Morn!
But, yea, that should be doable between Friday afternoon-Sunday night, right?? Me thinky.. Me thinky..
Anyway, today's topic is on "dateability", which I'm certain may not be a real word, but let's talk about what makes ANYONE (man or woman) "dateable". Of course, being attractive is a given, but that is up to personal opinion. What I may think is "poo-butt ugly", you may consider as being "Denzel Worthy" *blank stare*
If somebody has a really nice, magnetic personality that draws people in like a moth to a flame (which is a saying that I never got), then you will attract many people who want to know the person behind the personality. Personalities (real ones) can and should be the windows' to somebodys soul. Like, a great personality can make a not so attractive person seem a bit more cute than what they are, but a bad personality can make a very attractive person seem very unappealing to you. It's like putting a steak on a trash can lid and attempting to serve that to guests.. Really.. It is..
This kind of ties hand in hand with PERSONALITY. Confidence is another booster that gets people "brownie points".. If you are confident in yourself, your style of dress and are genuine in that confidence, it will shine through. And when true confidence shines through, it brings out the most radiant glow in people.... Which is undeniably sexy or as a made-up word I used to use in undergrad.. it's so "skin-tee".. lol
Intelligence is something that attractive by default, at least it is in my book anyway. When you are intelligent and driven, it is one of THEE most "skin-tee-est" things a man can do in my eyes. Don't worry, women can do it too. Case in Point: Last week, I was talking to some guy and he asked me what brought me to Tennessee. When I told him I had an M.A. in Social Justice, emphasizing on Non Profit Administration, I wanted to come to Tennessee because it was the Volunteer State. He was kind of floored by my answer and his became kind of glow-y a bit lol.. Yes, yes, it is a VERY simple equation.. Intelligence + Drive + Sass - Ego + = ATTRACTIVE.. Study now; there will be a test later lol
This is a quality that a lot of people do not really understand its' value. Humility is one of the most endearing, sensual and sexy qualities a man can have in my book. Humility is knowing that with great success, great responsibility is a given. Humility is knowing that life has its' ups and downs and not looking down those who are still on that track headed for success. Don't be so confident that you are egotistical; it's always sexy to show your vulnerable side and true humility doesn't need boast, brag or have ego trips. Humility is knowing that success is a blessing and accepting that you did not get to where you at on your own. PREACH SISTA GIRL!! *waves funeral home fan at self*
For men, this is being chivalrous, which is pulling out a lady's chair, opening her car door, opening the doors to restaurants, walking on the outside of the street, holding her hand, etc.. To quote Princess Jazmine from Disney's Aladdin: "It's all so magical!" LOL Im laughing but I am serious. Chivalry is NOT dead. Chivalry IS NOT dead. CHIVALRY IS NOT DEAD. I had to say it three times, so you guys would really believe me. Chivalry is the type of thing that goes a lo-o-o-o-ong way with a lady. That's some honesty for you.
For women, showing respect to a gentleman is a requirement. Even if he is being a dooty head, which in case, you should have known he was a dooty before you agreed to go out with ol' Booty Face lol. Yes, dooty and booty are synonymous and they make me laugh for no reason in particular lol lol. But, saying "PLEASE" and "Thank You" is NOT doing too much. It's not assumed and it's something really small that goes a long way with anybody, but especially on a date.
Well, that's my take on this topic..
What do you think? Do you excel at these 5 points? Is there any areas you feel you need to work on? Are you good dating material or are you "damaged goods"?
Until next time..... That's all for now!!
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