Hi All..
I have the absolute WORST migraine today..
I had a topic all set, but I will save that for Monday.. Maybe, I will post a bonus blog this weekend.. Wait, I will have my niece this weekend.. Scratch that pimping lol
Anyway, today we are random, since my brain feels like scrambled mo-fo'ing eggs, you are going to get treated to some random facts about me.. Random thoughts..
1 - Where do migraines come from? From the bowels of hell
2- I hate when people call you on the phone and are whispering.. WTF.. IDK what the hell you saying? You sound like a serial killer
3- Somebody just had to tell me what "DTF" means LOL LOL
4- Also, if you are not DTF, you should not take shots on a first date lol lol
5- Bobby Brown's oldest son, Landon Brown, is pretty FOINE
6- I can not see when people subscribe to my blog, but to all of you out there that do, THANKS BOOKIE BOOs.
7- I still don't know anybody in Nashville, which sucks MAJOR titty balls
8- The few people I DO know in Nashville are too busy for life, let alone being social
9- I'm glad I blocked so-and-so's number lol lol S/O to T-Mobile
10- Today was the shaft. And not the good kind. I left my lunch at home, in my bedroom.
11- Jill Scott voice is like liquid aspirin
12- Not certain why people still knock on my office door when I am at lunch and CLEARLY there is a sign on my door that announces this
13- This bottled water is giving me life, just in small baby doses.
14- I can't wait to go home and cuddle up with my.... body pillow, pillow pet and/or Snuggie
15- My birthday is February 22nd and somebody today told me that I looked like I was born on February 28th.. whatttt??!!!
Anyhow, that is about all I can muster up today.. Didn't want to fall off and not post, plus some of y'all love my random banter, so hey, why not?
Until next time..........
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